Zoom link and infoBaldovin George Alexandru7. pro 2020.1 min čitanjaZoom InfoJoin Zoom Meeting at 18.00 and at 19.00 Meeting available 10 minutes before class. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86331749429?pwd=bk1pREx0L0dXdmRWMzM4eU1STzVyUT09Meeting ID: 863 3174 9429 Passcode: 712602
Zoom InfoJoin Zoom Meeting at 18.00 and at 19.00 Meeting available 10 minutes before class. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86331749429?pwd=bk1pREx0L0dXdmRWMzM4eU1STzVyUT09Meeting ID: 863 3174 9429 Passcode: 712602